This is our story at Bar Crescent D Ranch.

Dan and Linda Smith married in 1995 and have 3 children. Danielle is 22 and a recent newlywed. She and her husband Dalton are graduates of Auburn University and live in Alabama. Larrett, 20 is in heading into his 3rd year of college in Clarendon, Texas. He competed on the livestock judging team and is finishing his education in the RFO program. Emery, 16 is in high school where he is on the varsity swim team and involved in FFA.

Dan is an 8th generation Florida cowboy. His passion for the cattle ranch and industry is something that has been passed down for many generations. The same love for this way of life is captured in Dan and Linda’s children. They hope to continue to preserve the Florida cattle industry in Hardee county and each play a role in all that entails.

To learn more about the Smith family visit them in Ona, Florida.

Linda, Dalton, Emery, Danielle, and Dan

Larrett, Danielle, and Emery

Larrett and his long time girlfriend Kendall

Emery on his horse

Give thanks to the Lord for he is good. - Psalms 136:1